Mar 10, 2014

How Becoming a Mother Fueled My Creativity

I NEED creativity in my life to be happy. However, my perfectionism often causes me to feel insecure in my choices. I tend to overanalyze the color of paint I choose, the angle of a picture I take, or what people will think of my decorating decisions.

I strongly believe, because of this, perfectionism and indecisiveness go hand in hand.

When I was pregnant I read book after book about parenting styles.  I read message boards to find out the most popular way to raise a baby. I wanted to know how other people did it.

Nothing could prepare me for the instincts I felt as soon as he was born. I combined all of the knowledge I gained and I threw anything out that didn't fit what felt right to me. I was amazed at the confidence I felt when it came to making decisions for our family.

The ability to let go of others opinions was very freeing and I soon carried this over to other areas of my life. Where I once tried to mimic the decorating or photography choices of others I now go with what make ME happy.

Instead of second guessing myself, I can be content with the fact that I find something beautiful even if nobody else does and therefore, even if I am the only one who loves it, that is enough.

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